Petroleum and Environmental Geochemistry Group

Current Members of PEGG

Home The Group     Maya Al-Sid-Cheikh     Yann Aminot     Simon Belt     Mark Fitzsimons     Deniz Koseoglu     Sabine Lengger     Anthony Lewis     Hayley Manners     Paul McCormack     Monica Raccagni     Jim Readman     Will Robson     Steve Rowland     Lukas Smik     Paul Sutton Timeline Past Members Research News

The Group is comprised of six members of academic staff (two Professors, a Reader, a Senior Lecturer and two lecturers), a Research Professor, a Senior Technician, four Research Fellows and two PhD students.

Personnel Directory

NameLocationTelephonee-Mail Address
Academics and Technicians
Research Staff
Ph.D. Students

Members of the Petroleum and Environmental Geochemistry Group October 2016

The Petroleum and Environmental Geochemistry Group, October 2016
(Absent are Sabine Lengger, Hayley Manners and Jim Readman)
- Thanks to our photographer Andrew Tonkin -

As with all research groups, people come and go. Friends and colleagues who have moved on have been successful in the "real world" and we hope they take with them happy memories of their time with us.